Salesforce | document.getElementById(‘id’).value not working for apex:outputtext

| By Webner

If you have an apex:outputtext and you try to get its value in Javascript using document.getElementById(‘id of outputtext’).value(), that won’t work. The reason is apex:outputtext is translated to HTML SPAN element. So <apex:outputtext value=”Amount” id=”amntId”/> becomes <span id=”amtId”>Amount</span> So to

PHP | better way to include a file

| By Webner

Have a look at this folder structure: Test Folder1 Abc.php Folder2 Qwerty.php Now in Abc.php file, try to include Qwerty.php using the following code: Abc.php include(‘../Folder2/Qwerty.php’) It will give this error: Fatal error: Failed opening required ‘../Folder2/Qwerty.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /Test/Folder1/Abc.php

PHP | How to install CakePHP 3.0

| By Webner

These are the steps to install CakePHP 3.0 on Ubuntu machine: Make sure you have PHP 5.5.9 (CLI) or higher installed. Check php version on your system using this command: php -v Run the following commands: 1. Download the composer