Category: Java Frameworks
IE 11 broken image issue
Recently we faced a strange issue in one of sites we have developed in WordPress. We are displaying thumbnail images on a page. The site looks great in Firefox, Chrome and Safari. But in IE, some of images were broken,
Salesforce | Invoking a Visualforce page in a managed package
Remember one thing i.e to use __ (double underscore) after package name. Suppose you have a Visualforce page that uses custom controller. Visualforce page name is Upload_a_File. You have created a button on this page to choose a file and
Importance of Website for Business – Part 3
In previous 2 posts in this series we covered benefits of having a website for your business and difference between Responsive and Non-Responsive website. We also shared some stats on how small business presence on Internet is going up. In
iFrames, Javascript events and IE problems
Several hours wasted while debugging this. We have a, HTML page and within this page is a hyperlink to open another page in iFrame. While iFrame page is loaded we display WAIT message overlay on parent page so as to
Connection Pool with Tomcat6 and Mysql
Inside $tomcat_home/conf/context.xml add this inside <Context> <Resource name=”jdbc/datasourcename” auth=”Container” type=”javax.sql.DataSource” maxActive=”100″ maxIdle=”30″ maxWait=”1000″ username=”dbuser” password=”dbpwd” driverClassName=”com.mysql.jdbc.Driver” url=”jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/exodus”/> Now restart tomcat Inside you web.xml add this before </web-app>: <resource-ref> <description>My DB Connection</description> <res-ref-name>jdbc/datasourcename</res-ref-name> <res-type>javax.sql.DataSource</res-type> <res-auth>Container</res-auth> </resource-ref> Java code to connect: Context
SCEA 5 – My 2 cents
I recently became SUN certified Enterprise Architect after clearing all 3 parts of SCEA. It is hard to get answers to all questions one may have regarding SCEA but SCEA forum on is great!! I have shared my experience
Tomcat – java.lang.Unsupported Class Version Error: Bad version number in .class file
This is because your class files were compiled with a Java compiler not compatible with JVM in use within tomcat. If you compiled on the same machine on which you have tomcat running, you must be having 2 JDKs (or
Javascript – extract Year from Date
If you want to extract the year from Date in Javascript, try getFullYear() method instead of getYear(), see the output below on Firefox and Chrome: Here’s the code: <html> <head> <script langauge=”javascript”> var date1 = new Date(); var browser =
MuleStudio – No option to Create New Mule Project
installed MuleStudio community edition on Ubuntu 11.04. MuleStudio was starting but showed no option to create new Mule Project. Since I have multiple versions of JDK installed, so before starting mule studio I was explicitly exporting JAVA_HOME to point to