WebRequest gives response in the form of Stream. In order to use it further in the form of c# object, I have used below code:
Sample code :
WebRequest requestHttp = WebRequest.Create(reqURL); using(WebResponse responseHttpRequest = requestHttp.GetResponse()) { Stream responseStream = responseHttpRequest.GetResponseStream();; StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(responseStream); string text = reader.ReadToEnd(); using(TextReader sr = new StringReader(text)) { var csv = new CsvReader(sr); var records = csv.GetRecords < CsvFile > (); foreach(CsvFile cs in records) { csvfile.Id = cs.Id; csvfile.Success = cs.Success; } } } public class CsvFile { public string Id { get; set; } public string Success { get; set; } }
Above code will convert the response stream into a List