1. Open Adobe Captivate.
2. Go to Edit->Preferences. A screen will appear like this:
3. Now click on reporting and select LMS as Internal Server.
4. Now click on configuration. A new popup screen will be displayed like below:
5. Enter server URL and save.
When student will complete quiz than result will be posted on server URL which you have mentioned in the configuration.
Note: When a student completes test than a popup screen will be displayed in which username and email will be shown. This popup message will be displayed because captivate needs some information about a student who is giving the test. If you do not want to display this screen then you can set user information internally. For this:
Click on Project tab.
Open variable
A screen will be displayed like below. Here we can set username and user id:
Now when result will be posted then username and id will also be posted and no pop-up screen will be shown.