How to add Text to Image with Php and Python
Step 1: Call the python file from PHP with the following arguments.
$ filePathForPython: Specify the location of the python file.
$imageName: Dynamic name of the image.
$ imageText: Text to be written on the image.
$ badgeFilepath: Image on which text is to be written.
$ FontFilepath: Location of the font file.
$badgeImageName: New file name that is a combination of text and specified image.
$implodestring : This argument is used to handle a large text. To adjust the text after 28 characters in the next line and so on.
Step 2: Call the python file from php with above arguements.
exec(“python $filePathForPython $imageName \”$imageText\” \”$badgeFilepath\” \”$FontFilepath\” \”$implodestring\” 2>&1″, $output);
Step 3: Python code to add text on the image.
from __future__ import division from PIL import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw import sys import math import array as arr import json filename=sys.argv[1] imageText=sys.argv[2] badgeFilePath =sys.argv[3] fontFilePath =sys.argv[4] textArray =sys.argv[5] if len(textArray)>28: textArray=textArray.split('&^%*') else: textArray=[textArray] total_length=len(textArray) vertical=int(total_length*25) background ='RGBA', (235, vertical), (30,0,142)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(background) font = ImageFont.truetype(fontFilePath, 14) y_for_text=5 for element in textArray: w, h = draw.textsize(element) draw.text(((222-w)/2,y_for_text), element, (255,255,255), font=font) y_for_text=y_for_text+17 #draw.text((20,22), 'ddd', (255,255,255), font=font) qr = width, height = qr.size #qr.paste(background, (11, height)) width, height = qr.size"demotext.png") images = map(, [badgeFilePath, 'demotext.png']) widths, heights = zip(*(i.size for i in images)) #print(heights) total_width = max(widths) max_height = sum(heights) #print(max_height) #print(total_width) new_im ='RGB', (total_width, max_height),(255,255,255,255)) x_offset = 0 for im in images: new_im.paste(im, (0,x_offset)) x_offset += im.size[1] # print(x_offset) #print(im.size)
Output: “AWS S3 Concepts and Integration” is the text added on the above image.