Tag: Zoho Creator
CSS | Animate elements in background screen
We can move elements on background screen using CSS properties. Below @keyframes rule specifies the animation code and “movement” gives a name to the animation: @keyframes movement { 0 % { background – position: 0 px 0 px, 0 px
Java | difference among return, continue, break and System.exit in Java
Question: What is the difference between return, continue, break and System.exit statements in Java? Answer: The differences among these 4 statements are described here:
Selenium | Data Driven Framework to read csv data
During testing, I had a test case to add multiple employees automatically with selenium script so I have implemented Data Driven Framework. Using this we have to read the data from the CSV and register all the users in the
Eclipse SVN | Working Copy XXXX Locked during commit
When you do svn update or commit in Eclipse you may face this problem- “working copy xxxxx locked” Solution: Sometimes the problem can be solved with “project cleanup” or “move the project to some other location without .project and .svn
Enum in Java
What is Enum/Enumeration? Enum/Enumeration is a data type in Java which is used to store a fixed set of constant values. For example, number of days in a week or a set of arithmetic operators (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division)
Java | Deep cloning object containing list of other objects
Suppose you have a class like this: public class Student { private String name; private int rollNumber; private int grade; private List subjects; } This is the Subject class public class Subject { private String sName; } You have an
Hadoop | Creating and running Mapreduce Programs in Eclipse and from Command line
We can create and run the java Mapreduce programs in Eclipse as well as from command line. Using Eclipse – For Eclipse first we have to install the plugin for hadoop mapreduce which inherits the libraries required to implement the
Java | static blocks
Static Blocks: Static block is used to initialize the static data members. It is executed before main method and constructor at the time of classloading. A class can have any number of static initialization blocks and they can appear anywhere
Java | Variables in Java Interfaces
Interface: In Java we have a concept called interfaces.A Java interface is same like a class, except a Java interface cannot contain an implementation of the methods, we have only signature of the method.It has static constants data member. Can