Tag: React Native App
How to get Lat, Long in React Native app
Steps to access GPS in React Native app to capture lat/long In your AndroidManifest.xml add following permissions: <uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION” /> it comes enabled by default on iOS but not Android. There are three methods available for geolocation: getCurrentPosition allows us
How to get scan QR Code or Barcode in React Native app
Steps to scan QR Code or Barcode in React Native app There are different libraries to scan barcode in react native. One of them is react native camera kit. Installation: npm install react-native-camera-kit –save react-native link react-native-camera-kit Add the following
How to access Flashlight in React Native app
Steps to access Flashlight in React Native app To turn the flashlight on/off on the mobile device react native provides a plugin called react-native-torch. Installation: npm install –save react-native-torch react-native link react-native-torch iOS 1. npm install react-native-torch –save 2. In