Tag: installation
Windows installation procedure
Officially Certbot is now available for windows too. It is not that much complicated, but you have to be careful while doing this on a live server. Step 1. Important note This would require administrative privileges. Step 2. Specific Windows
OpenProject Installation, Configurations, and Upgrade
OpenProject is an open-source web-based project management system, which is widely used for team collaboration. This application is released under the GNU General Public License Version 3 and which is continuously developed and supported by an active open-source community around
Installation and configuration of gitlab (Ubuntu)
Installation & configuration of gitlab with Let’s Encrypt on Ubuntu 18.04 Step.1 Update to latest repos :~$ sudo apt-get update Step.2 Now, Install the prerequisites required for gitlab :~$ sudo apt-get install -y curl openssh-server ca-certificates Step.3 Download the latest