Tag: cakephp
Class ‘App\Controller\Aws\S3\S3Client’ not found error in CakePHP 3.*
How to resolve “Class ‘App\Controller\Aws\S3\S3Client’ not found” error in CakePHP 3.* Problem: Class ‘App\Controller\Aws\S3\S3Client’ not found error occurs when we are trying to create S3Client class object with given code (code copied from github): $s3 = new Aws\S3\S3Client ( [
Class ‘App\Controller\Aws\S3\S3Client’ not found error in CakePHP 3.*
How to resolve “Class ‘App\Controller\Aws\S3\S3Client’ not found” error in CakePHP 3.* Problem: Class ‘App\Controller\Aws\S3\S3Client’ not found error occurs when we are trying to create S3Client class object with given code (code copied from github): $s3 = new Aws\S3\S3Client ( [
Sort query result according to search conditions in CakePHP 2.
How to sort query result according to various search conditions in fetch query of CakePHP 2. Problem: Priority based sorting of records Example: Search a string (“Proposalways StudySection”) and display records in following order: Contain all words (“Proposalways StudySection”) in
What is the purpose of multiple .htaccess files in CakePHP?
Purpose of multiple .htaccess files in CakePHP In Cakephp, contained .htaccess files are as follows: newcakeproject/.htaccess /app/.htaccess /app/webroot/.htaccess 1. newcakeproject/.htaccess CakePHP root directory .htaccess redirects everything to your CakePHP app (means to webroot). We can also redirect the url to
Using Google Search Operators
Using Google Search Operators for Better Results Google defines Search Operators as the “words or symbols in one’s search phrase that make the search results more precise”. These operators have their basis in coding as they are nothing but shortcuts
How to use CakePHP Validation class
How to use CakePHP Validation class We can use CakePHP validation functions and speed up development. These functions already follow the correct rules so we don’t need to write custom code. Example: In Controller: $validate = new Validation(); $string =
Sending Emails in CakePHP with Example
What support/library is there in CakePHP for sending emails and how to use it? In CakePHP3, there are Transport and Email classes available under Cake/Network/Email namespace that are used for sending emails. After an update in the version 3.1 email
Convert HTML to pdf using mpdf plugin in cakePHP
How to use mpdf plugin in cakePHP to convert HTML documents to pdf? mPDF is a PHP library which is used to generate PDF files from HTML Documents. It converts utf-8 encoded documents and also supports almost all languages including