We faced a problem that Scorm content packages uploaded in Moodle were not displaying content correctly on shared hosting server. After entering the Quiz the page was redirecting back to the same page rather than displaying the further pages of the quiz. The reason was cgi.fix_pathinfo property having value 1.
We resolved this problem by creating a “php.ini” file for Moodle in its home directory on shared server. Make entry in it “cgi.fix_pathinfo = ‘0’ ” and save it. Now Contents will be displayed.
You can check if new value of this property is being picked by the server or not by using phpinfo() function. Create a new file info.php and in it write following statement:
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
Then load the file in browser (http://yourserverurl/info.php) and you will see each php environment property and its value.
Webner Solutions is a Software Development company focused on developing CRM apps (Salesforce, Zoho), LMS Apps (Moodle/Totara), Websites and Mobile apps. If you need LMS app development or any other software development assistance please contact us at lms@webners.com