Font family looks regular in Ubuntu and Windows but looks bold in Mac

| By Webner

In one of our web development projects, we used font family named Calibri for breadcrumbs. This font worked fine on Ubuntu and Windows but on each browser of Mac fonts appeared bold. We wrote the following code for making the

CakePHP | Redirect from http to https URL

| By Webner

If you want to redirect from http to https in CakePHP, generally redirect method code is like this: $this­->redirect(array(“controller” => “myController”,”action” =>t; “myAction”)); But if your site is running on http protocol it will redirect to the url with http

Moodle and Java | Retrieving users’ data from Moodle using External Java Application

| By Webner

Retrieving users’ data from Moodle using External Java Application We can write a basic REST moodle client code using Java to fetch users’ records from moodle. Before writing the code, you need to perform below steps in Moodle which are

Linux | Installation of custom AWS metrics script & prerequisites for AMI

| By Webner

1.  Login to Amazon Linux-AMI / Centos / RedHat: Using ssh 2.  To Upgrade from a previous version of the scripts: # sudo yum install perl-DateTime 3.  To install the scripts for the first time: # sudo yum install perl-DateTime