Tag: ubuntu
Keyring Password Issue
Use this if you have forgotten the password of the keyring in Ubuntu, but you want to safeguard a new keyring with a password. For Ubuntu 18.04, I used the following. Remove old keyring: For this, we need to change
How To Reset Your MariaDB-10.2 Root Password on Ubuntu 20.04
Note: This tutorial will work only for resetting the MariaDB root password, not for the MySQL server. Introduction If you forget the root password of the MariaDB database in Ubuntu, you can still regain the access and reset it if
400 Bad Request Error while creating a virtual domain in Ubuntu
Problem Statement: I have more than 3 PHP projects in the workspace which is at path /var/www/html in Ubuntu 14.04 system. When I open my browser and type http://localhost, then the list of all PHP, CakePHP, or laravel projects is
Firebase Integration With Laravel 6.x (Ubuntu 18.04)
Below are the steps to integrate Firebase with Laravel 6.x Step 1 To integrate Firebase with Laravel we first need a Laravel project. Create a new Laravel project using the given composer command. composer create-project –prefer-dist laravel/laravel firebase Step 2
Installation and configuration of gitlab (Ubuntu)
Installation & configuration of gitlab with Let’s Encrypt on Ubuntu 18.04 Step.1 Update to latest repos :~$ sudo apt-get update Step.2 Now, Install the prerequisites required for gitlab :~$ sudo apt-get install -y curl openssh-server ca-certificates Step.3 Download the latest
Migrate MySql to MariaDB in Ubuntu 18.04
How to Migrate MySql to MariaDB in Ubuntu 18.04 We need to perform few steps to migrate the MySql database to Maria database, I have mentioned the steps below: Log in to your MySql server with root password. $ mysql