Tag: React
Tab view in React-Native
It provides various packages to create tabs like views in the application. So react-native-tab-view is one of them. This component is implemented using the react-native-pager-view which is another component that allows the user to swipe left or right throughout the
Hooks in React
Hooks are the new feature of the react. They let you use the state and other features of React without creating a class. They are mainly used to handle state and other side effects in react functional components. Side effects
Upload Image to AWS S3 Using React
React provides you a facility to upload files directly from your react end to AWS S3. To achieve it, you need to install a package that is listed below: npm install –save react-s3 After that, add the following import line
Deploying a React App on Linux based Server
Step 1. Creating a React App Install Create React App with the following command: npm install -g create-react-app Run this command to create a new app called my-reactapp: npx create-react-app my-reactapp Step 2. Reconfigure package.json. Go to the specified directory