Tag: Lightning
What is LightningAlert in LWC
LightningAlert is a new feature that comes in the summer 22 release. Chrome and Safari decided not to support window.alert so salesforce provides an inbuilt feature called LightningAlert. To use this feature first, we need to import LightningAlert. Example:
Decorators in Lightning Web Component
The Lightning Web Component has three decorators. @api @track @wire @api: If we want to pass any variable from Parent component to child component then we use @api decorator. To pass data to the child component, we need to define
Features of lightning:recordEditform, force:recordData, lightning:recordViewform in Salesforce Lightning
In salesforce lightning, sometimes we need to create, edit and save the records in the component. This is the time 3 types of components come into mind that arṣe recordEditform, RecordViewfrom, and recordData. We always get confused about which one