Tag: Integration
Firebase Integration With Laravel 6.x (Ubuntu 18.04)
Below are the steps to integrate Firebase with Laravel 6.x Step 1 To integrate Firebase with Laravel we first need a Laravel project. Create a new Laravel project using the given composer command. composer create-project –prefer-dist laravel/laravel firebase Step 2
Mobile App Development at Salesforce
The Internet is considered to be one of the most effective channels of business communication in the field of Marketing, Supply Chain Management, Sales or Web Technologies. Due to this, web technology is involved in almost every small, medium or
Integration of .NET with SharePoint
SharePoint and .NET Integration Create a .Net Web Api Application and then follow the below steps: Step 1. Open “Tools” from menu and select “NuGet Package Manager” and then click on “Manage NuGet Packages for Solution”. Here is the screenshot:
Stripe – The requested address was not found on this server
Stripe Payment Gateway Integration – The requested address was not found on this server Stripe Payment Issue while capturing payment: I was implementing Stripe payment in one of my cake3 project. My Stripe Charge Capture Request was: 1) Check out