Java | Delete empty string from list or array

| By Webner
public class deleteEmptyStringQuick
	public static void main(String[] args) 
 	String[] emptyStringArray={"test","test1","","test3","","test4"};
        ArrayList arrayListOfEmptyString=(ArrayList) Arrays.asList(emptyStringArray);

		//normally we will do this
		ArrayList filteredList = new ArrayList();
		for(String string: arrayListOfEmptyString)
//You can achieve this with single line as well: 
filteredList = >!string.isEmpty()).collect(Collectors.toList());

In above code, you can see two different ways to delete empty strings from an array or a list. Normally we use loop to delete empty string from array list or array, but Java 8 has new ways to achieve these things. Now, we use single line code to achieve this.

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